Fossil Coral

Agatized Coral crystal may assist you in achieving excellence in your personal and professional life.Agatized Coral Fossil is also helpful for promoting inner peace and quieting your nagging thoughts. You can use it for communicating with past relations or for receiving and understanding Universal knowledge.The Quartz qualities in fossils like Agatized Coral and Petrified Wood make them perfect tools for working on past life memories. Quartz is a recorder of the past, present and future. Working with Agatized Coral crystal, gives you the benefit of two energies in one. The life energies of the Coral are preserved just as the physical shape is during the fossilization process. Plus the Quartz that replaced the organic material brings it’s own unique vibrations to this crystal.Agatized Coral polished stone can facilitate the projection of energy to create, to sustain, to change, to modify. Use agatized coral with any water bath or foot soak for emotional cleansing.Agatized Coral is an excellent protection stone for travel on or near water.

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